Saturday, September 23, 2006

Five Weird/Unusual Things Meme

So, Elle*bee tagged me with a meme, to name 5 weird/unusual things about yourself. Below is my list. Hopefully I'm not so weird I scare away the few people who do read!

1. When I eat pizza, I scrape all the toppings off, eat them and then eat the crust. Doesn’t matter if it’s just a cheese pizza or has lots of different things on it, that’s how I have to eat it. Even when I lived in NYC (or visited D when he lived there before I moved) and we would go get a slice after a hard night out drinking, I would eat the topping first. One of D’s friend’s thought it was so unusual he promised to make me a character in one of his plays (except I don’t think that’s happened yet, and it probably won’t, it’s been over 10 years now!).

2. I always like to have a drink (not alcoholic!) by me at all times. I used to go to bed with a cup of Coke on the night stand (in case I woke up thirsty). Now I drink Diet Coke, or more recently, Diet Barq’s (I love that stuff!). Even at work, I’ll have two mugs of green tea (now that it’s getting cooler), and then switch to soda for the afternoon. I probably should switch to all water, but it gives me heartburn (which D would probably say is weird in and of itself).

3. Clutter doesn’t bother me (my desk at work probably horrifies people, but it’s the only place left that I can be “me”!) but germs do. Make that the thought of germs. When I clean, I CLEAN. Clorox, Lysol, any kind of germ killing cleaner that I can find is used. Plus then I will put the clutter away. But it takes a lot for me to get to that point (let’s just say that D keeps the place neater than I did)…And I think we read or heard that the clutter is another form of OCD. So D and C have the “line everything up” sort of OCD, and I’m the “never throw anything away” OCD (if it can even be called OCD, on the scale of things OCD it’s probably pretty mild).

4. I can “name that tune” if I hear a few notes of a song. Not a very useful skill, but some people have been impressed. And, it is apparently the only musical talent I have.

5. I will go out of my way to not have to make a left turn when I’m driving. Not sure if it’s connected to an accident I had while in college (totally not my fault, btw!) or what, but I hate making left turns. Kind of tied into that is I’ll mentally review the route I’m driving to anticipate any sort of traffic – I hate just sitting in traffic.

Since I suppose I should tag someone, I tag the following:

Clare's Dad
Mrs. Big Dubya


Blogger Elle*Bee said...

Thanks for playing along! I got a chuckle out of the 'no left turns'. I guess you wouldn't ever drive to visit me. You'd have to turn left to get into my neighborhood and follow that with two more left turns to get to my home.

Son #2 eats his pizza the same way you do.

25 September, 2006 17:38  
Blogger Sue said...

Elle, I would come visit you! I still make the left hand turns, even though I don't like fact, I have to turn left to get into my neighborhood (which is a dead end street, so there's no chance I could ever find an alternate route) LOL!

27 September, 2006 11:47  

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