This post brought to you by the letter W
W for winter, which I am as sick of whining about as you are hearing me whine about it. (another 6 - 12 inches of snow tonight!)
W for warm, which I can't seem to get. That's what the pictures are for - to try to remind myself it will get warm again.
W for work, which isn't usually bad, but this time of year is bonus and raise time and I just get all frustrated by the process.
W for waiting, as in waiting impatiently for another 6 weeks until vacation. It feels like it's been forever since our last vacation.
W for weight - I had been doing well, getting up early and walking on the treadmill. For some reason, this week I fell completely off the exercise/watch what I eat wagon and can't stuff the chocolate/junk in fast enough.
W for winning. As in Powerball. $153M. I could become a travel writer and solve all my problems (whining, work and waiting) in one shot!
Anyone else having one of those weeks?
PS. Happy Leap Day!
Labels: weather, winter, working mom
I'm with you on all counts
I'm sick of snow, sick of cold
I can't wait 'til vaction (ours is only 3 weeks away)
I'm almost 7 months pregnant but feel like I could tip over because I eat 24/7 and not the good healthy stuff either....
I can get behind a good Powerball win.... I don't need to be filthy rich.... a little dirty would be just fine
Happy Friday -- stay warm!
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