Thursday, July 27, 2006


I bought an exercise ball - I'm currently balancing on it. Of course, I don't believe I inflated it enough (that was a workout in and of itself!) so I'm not seeing the benefits - it's actually quite comfortable! Although, perhaps you should check back once I've fully inflated it....Or if you hear a loud explosion, that was probably the ball exploding.

Was it a weird blog day? I couldn't seem to get into any blogs I read at work to even read, let alone comment on the few I do comment on. Or maybe Corporate IT is finally on to me and I'll just have to be content to surf the net. I do need some new sites to visit. The ones I have bookmarked are getting kind of boring (not the blogs, but the regular sites)....

I got a pedicure before we went on vacation (the 1st of July actually). Since we spent most of last week at the beach, the polish is all chipped and dull looking. I don't have another pedicure scheduled for a couple weeks. I wonder if I should try to squeeze an appointment in before that one in August? Are too many pedicures a bad thing? I do have a gift certificate to a day spa (from Christmas almost 2 years ago!) so it wouldn't be an added expense....and I have next Friday off....have to mull that one over. Should I get a massage too? (Should fat people get massages? Discuss.) (I'm always afraid the therapist would be talking about me after. Plus the robes aren't exactly modest with these child bearing hips).

HOT! It is hot and humid. I'm not complaining. It's July. It's as it should be. Plus, with our trip to FL scheduled for next month, I get to tell people the heat/humidity is not that different from what FL is experiencing (seriously, the forecast highs for the next couple days are only 3-4 degrees different).


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