Tuesday, July 11, 2006

20 Things Meme, Part I

Les tagged me, and I've been remiss.

These are in no particular order:

1. The way our country seems so divided – blue state/red state,liberal/conservative, religious/non-religious. Can’t we all just get along? I realize that life isn’t fair, and everyone can’t always have the same playing field, but does it have to be this divided? Granted, I don’t have time to study the issues in depth (shame on me) and am relying mostly on sound bites for this feeling, but isn’t there some middle ground we could all find and work with that?

2. Getting up in the morning. Once I’m up, I’m ok. I actually kind of like being up before everyone else, hitting the road with the contractors in their pick-up trucks. It’s quieter, and the radio plays more music than talk (don’t ask me to think too early). The alarm going off? Hate that, especially when I’m nice and cozy in bed and everyone else is asleep too.

3. People who can’t make decisions. My in-laws are perfect examples. Drives me crazy. Two people in the family graduated this year (one high school, one college). The high school graduate got a party, but not until much discussion about who was available when, etc. The college graduate? Pizza at his parent’s house after the ceremony – no formal party. Pick a date, send the invitations, and whomever can be there, will. If they can’t, they won’t. You can’t please all the people all the time.

4. Slow drivers in the left hand lane. If you’re not going to keep up with the traffic, get out of that lane. Don’t these people ever look in the rear view mirror and see they’re leading a parade??

5. Wiping someone else’s butt. Usually my 4 ½ year old’s behind. Somehow she is under the impression that there’s a 2 wipe limit. I thought once she was done with diapers I’d be done wiping butts. I was wrong.

6. Playing “pretend”. I’m not good at it, and there seems to be all these rules that live in C’s head that I’m not aware of, and so I end up making my Polly do something “wrong”.

7. The weight I am currently at. I’ve never been this large before, and it bothers me. There’s no time to work out like I want to, so I give up before even starting. Then add in the worry about heart disease (my mom died of a heart attack – she was a smoker) and every little twinge becomes something fatal.

8. That C is and will probably be, an only child. I’d love for her to have a sibling or two, but between the crazy work schedule of D and the fact she’d be over 5 by the time someone else came along, I just can’t see it. And I don’t have that baby lust that some people have – when her best friend’s mom was pregnant I didn’t even have a twinge of “I wish I were, too”. And 8a would probably be I hated the whole newborn to 2 year old phase.

9. The mart Wal. For some reason the one by us seems to attract people you would likely see in the hills of some remote part of this country. They make a day out of it. You can practically hear the banjoes. Tarjay is much much better.

10. Winter. I hate being cold. I would much rather be hot (with access to shade, pool or beach) than be cold. I hate the snow, and the driving in the snow, and the way it gets dark early.

Part II soon, I promise.


Blogger Farm Girl said...

Good job, you are half way there. I too hate those slow left-hand lane people. They are the cause of road rage.

13 July, 2006 13:09  

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