Thursday, August 03, 2006


Just back from a business trip. Technically I probably should have gone into work today, but unlike some people who I work with who shall remain nameless, I hardly ever take "travel time" (ie. leave mid day for wherever it is you're going without coming into work first). I looked at 98 files, had some business dinners/lunches, and finished up late yesterday. As I was on Long Island, I left at 6:15am to avoid the traffic and got home right as D and C were leaving. So C stayed home with me today.

We went to the hospital to get blood drawn (see my post from vacation - suspected tick bite). C was so brave! She didn't even cry, and she's never had blood drawn from her arm before. And the people doing the blood drawing were really awesome with her. It was over quickly, and we went to get a smoothie at Dunkin Donuts. Probably shouldn't reward things with food, but this is a special case, I think.

We're going to my dad's this afternoon to go swimming. The pool water will probably be warm, but at least it's something to do to get out of this heat. Honestly, I don't mind the heat. I prefer it to the snow and ice and cold of winter. I wish I could box some of this heat and sunshine up for Jan/Feb.

And the best thing is, after the potential severe thunderstorms this afternoon, tomorrow and this weekend the temp will still be in the high 80's!


Blogger Farm Girl said...

I hope you have a good time at the pool. I'm with you, I don't mind the heat either.

03 August, 2006 12:59  

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