Monday, September 04, 2006

The night before kindergarten

I can't believe C starts kindergarten tomorrow! It seems like just yesterday I was throwing back the sheet in the delivery room and telling the doctor I was done and going home because she was never coming out.

And due to the circumstances of this summer, she'll be taking the school bus too and from school. She seems so little to be doing that. Actually, I think she's more excited about the bus than kindergarten itself.

Some people have actually had the nerve to tell me it shouldn't be a big deal, C going to kindergarten, since she's been in daycare since she was 4 months old. Excuse me? Of course it's a big deal. This is the big time, the majors, whatever you want to compare it to. Not the same at all. At daycare, the "teachers" would look out for the younger kids, make sure everyone played nicely, etc. In kindergarten, maybe not so much. She'll be with some older kids (the school is pre-k through 2nd grade). She'll have to remember her back pack and lunch box and eventuall coat, every day. The backpack seems so large and heavy for her too. And why does she need two bottles of glue and six ! glue sticks?? Are they going to glue each other to the walls??

I'm sure she'll be fine, wonderful, insert an appropriate adjective here. Lunch is made, her uniform is set out, her backpack is packed, and she's showered and asleep.
My alarm is set, and I'm not going to work tomorrow. My camera has batteries, and I'm even planning to go work out after school starts.

Pictures to follow.


Blogger Elle*Bee said...

How exciting for C! (And how nerve-wracking it must be for you!) Son #3 will go to kindergarten next year. He's 'the caboose.' I'm sure I'll be the nutty mom running sobbing behind the bus as they take my 'baby' away. sigh.... I'm sure she'll do great (and it IS a big deal).

04 September, 2006 21:25  

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