Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I know, you're thinking, Sue, how could you possibly put anything more revealing out on the internets?? Ha. You've been warned.

I probably have mentioned way back when that I have two brothers. I'm the oldest, J is 11 months and 3 weeks younger and S is 5 years younger. J and S work for the same giant corporation (in different places in the same state, so they're connected by their company e-mail). Growing up with brothers (or any siblings, I would imagine) means you have a different perspective on things. And having spent time growing up in the same house, you learn which buttons to push and who is sensitive about what.

And, growing up with siblings, at least in my case, means nothing is sacred. Nothing. J was up in a tree cutting branches for my dad two summers ago when he fell off the ladder. After we ascertained that his toes did wiggle and he knew what day it was and who was president, the harrassment started even before the paramedics arrived. "geez, J, you set the car alarm off when you fell!" "I've fallen, and can't get up!"....that kind of thing. I know, we share a strange sense of humor.

Anyway, when I get to the train station this morning I check my blackberry for the time. Seeing that little email icon in the corner, I scroll over to see who's sending what. There were a couple emails back and forth between both J and S, who also copied me.

J had been in for a little "procedure" on Monday. He and my SIL have two girls, almost 11 and 9, and decided that they were done. He actually volunteered for the following:

"Especially when Teresa the mid twenty something intern, who could have had a successful career as a model, introduces herself and says she'll be assisting. the first thought is tape, I wonder if they tape it down,
First he has you lay down, then he injects a local anesthetic and asks "do you feel that? oohhh never mind, your crying"
then he says he's going to make a small incision, ( any incision into that part of the body cannot be quantified" )
then he starts rooting around in there to find the two tubes, then he asks about the kids, what sports they like to play, how are they doing in school,
At that point it is very important to remind him that he's not cutting your hair, concentration is key as far as I'm concerned.
then you smell the burning flesh, aahhhhhhh what a lovely smell, kinda fishy,
then the titanium clips go on, so you clank when you walk,
that way everyone knows what you've had done,
then twenty to thirty minutes later you hobble out to the waiting area pay your co-pay and are sent on your way.
In some strange way I feel like I can relate to a dog being neutered"

I really hope the powers that be at work didn't pick today to monitor my email.


Blogger Mrs Big Dubya said...

Can't help but wonder.... how many husbands just changed their minds (mine included)!

24 August, 2006 15:04  
Blogger Sue said...

Ooops. Sorry! Didn't mean for that to happen.

24 August, 2006 15:45  
Blogger cmhl said...


my spouse was out when he had it done, which was a good thing..

I know what yuou mean about worrying about "the man" monitoring email, haha!

27 August, 2006 16:18  

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