Monday, November 27, 2006

Material Girl

So we listen to Disney Radio on the weekends in the car (because it's funny to hear C sing along to some of the songs. I'm not sure how she knows the words to some songs, but she does.) And, while I realize that the 80's happened just yesterday (to me, anyway) apparently the 'tweens' are just discovering that decade.

Imagine my shock when I heard what I thought was a slower, Muzak'd version of Madonna's Material Girl. Imagine the further shock when the DJ said it was the new Hilary Duff song. Hilary Duff??!!

Oh. My. God.

Now, I know Madonna isn't the world's greatest singer, and other songs from the decade have already been remade, but for some reason, this re-make really really disturbs me. Is it because I know exactly how old I was when it was on the radio, and remember what was going on in my life at the time? Is it because my nieces (who think Hilary Duff is all that and a bag of chips) love the song and I think it's horrible in comparison to the original?

Like, gag me.


Blogger Elle*Bee said...

I don't have girls and by tween boys aren't really into music. I knew Hilary Duff sang - but Material Girl???? (Wasn't she just in movie by that name? I'm not sure.) With a few exceptions, I'm not wild over remakes. I like them even less when they're remaking "our" songs - the ones we grew up with. We're NOT old enough to BE the oldies, are we? Say it isn't so!

27 November, 2006 22:59  
Blogger Darren said...

insurancemom and I don't share all of the same tastes in music, but agree that Material Girl shouldn't have been remade. It's as bad as when Madonna remade American Pie.

And, yes, we are the oldies. I like 90s more than 80s music and can't stand hearing Nirvana and Pearl Jam called oldies. But in the 80s we thought 60s and early 70s music was old, right?

28 November, 2006 00:11  
Blogger Sue said...

Elle, according to my nieces, Hilary Duff re-made the song for that movie (which I guess she's in too)...but still.

We are NOT old enough to be the oldies. There's just no way.

28 November, 2006 08:55  
Blogger Elle*Bee said...

I agree with darren about the Madonna remake of American Pie, but I agree with you, Sue, that we're *not* oldies. We just can't be!

28 November, 2006 15:18  

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