Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Mother of the Year

Some background: my mom was a nurse. Growing up, that meant that unless there was blood and/or vomit involved, the standard response to “I don’t feel good” was “ Go to school, you’ll feel better”. I swore, when I grew up and had kids, I would take them seriously.

Well, we all know what happens when you grow up and have kids. The things you told yourself you’d never say or do – you say or do! C woke up last week and said she felt “sniffly”…My response – “Go downstairs and get ready for school, you’ll feel better”…

Then, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I had the day off (interview, went well but I’m not interested) and screwed up the morning routine by waking up later than normal, and trying to help. It was flurrying, so I hustled C through her routine (up, dressed, teeth brushed, etc.) and told her I’d drive her to the bus.

Except when we got outside, the bus was already backing up onto our street! (We live on a dead end street near the town line, so it’s easiest for the bus to back into our street to get C). I drive down the street, pull over (luckily our awesome bus driver saw us and waited) and tell C to hurry up and get out. She protests that she’s not finished her waffle and she’s “not taking the bus today”.

Oh yes you are. Get her out of the car, zip her coat, hand her her waffle and walk her to the bus door. Give her a kiss, tell her I’ll see her that afternoon, and off she goes, waffle in hand.

At least she have something to talk about in therapy when she’s older!

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Blogger The McFamily said...

My kids both have imaginative excuses for not going to school. Like every day. I have gottne to the point that if they have real illnesses, I may not believe them.

06 December, 2007 13:00  
Blogger Elle*Bee said...

No fever, no vomiting, no staying home. Yep, I'm one of those moms. In fact, I'm even worse. IF they do stay home - or call to be picked up from school - then it's straight to bed. No movies, no video games, no TV. Just sleep.

Of course, I'm punishing them for my own sins as a child. :-) I learned at an early age how to "work the system" so I'd get a free vacation day. No Ferris Bueller-type days off for MY kids.

11 December, 2007 20:29  

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