Business Travel
So I might have mentioned I have to travel occasionally in the course of my employment. The trips are overnight, but for the most part, usually to the island of Long. Next week, however, I will be flying to Denver for a 3 night trip.
Now, flying doesn't bother me (unless I think about how my brothers work at an engine making company here in CT and then ohmigod they're idiots and what if J didn't screw something in right and what if S just reviewed the process and...!) Anyway. I try not to look for the eagle logo on the engines. Let's leave it at that.
I've been to Denver a couple times before, and it's a really cool city. I like how the landscape is so different from what I'm used to - instead of rolling hills and trees and curvy roads, it's FLAT. With the Rocky Mountains that stick right up into the sky, and the roads are straight.
What's bothering me this time is that I didn't think anyone would be flying to Denver out of Hartford, and picked flight times that weren't too early, not too late...which is my undoing. Because I happened to think to myself, I hope we're not packed in the plane like sardines (since I am pretty fluffy). I checked the travel website - the flight I'm on isn't even offered as an option anymore. SOLD OUT.
SO, I hereby apologize in advance to the person who will be sitting next to me on the plane. And, it's only for a couple hours. Anyone can put up with anything for a couple hours, right?
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