Sunday, March 12, 2006

Competitive mothering

Really, I do not grasp the concept of competitve mothering. I'm just trying my best, for my kid. I really honestly don't care whether your little Susie is solving quadratic equations or working on world peace with Bono and the Gateses.

What prompted this, you ask? We had to stop at the box office to see D. One of the dance schools in the area is having a recital this spring, and believe it or not, you need tickets. With a 1200 (1400? I can never remember) seat theatre, I wouldn't be worried about the recital being "sold out". Apparently, I am wrong. Not that it would sell out, but that the parents wouldn't get first choice of seats - right up front. So there's a line like this is a rock concert back in the day, and I just waltz up, holding C's hand, trying to find D. You would think I was trying to cut the line. And the mothers were all trying their best to find out if indeed, that's what I was doing.

"oh she's so cute" (meaning C) "how old is she?"

"4" I reply.

"My Susie is only 3 and she's going to be in the dance recital"

"That's nice"....(thinking to myself - those are the ones that get scared on stage and have 'accidents' according to D).

"Where does she take dance lessons?"

"She doesn't. Maybe next year"

"You should get her started early - she'll end up being behind everyone else her age"

"I'll take that under advisement - thanks" and I thankfully spot someone who can get ahold of D for me.

I shouldn't hold these things against the parents. But I have a feeling I'm not going to be making many friends in the PTO or whatever the parent organization is at the school where C will be going to kindergarten. I spent too many years living/ working in NYC - where competitive mothering is more cutthroat. Here in the northwest corner? Strictly amatuer hour compared to that.


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