Thursday, January 12, 2006


Ahhh. Vacation. As of tonight, I am on vacation until I have to be back to work on the 23rd. Of course, tomorrow will be much running around, cleaning and packing. But it will be so worth it. I am stressing about getting everyone up early enough on Saturday. We have to leave for the airport at the unholy hour of 4:30. AM. In the morning. Seriously, that is the part that is stressing me out the most. I will pick up C early from pre-school/daycare, we'll have some dinner, and go to bed really really early. Hopefully. And I will set the alarm for 3:15 am, so as to have some snooze time.

The part that is unknown is that D has to work Friday night. He promises to be home right after, but I still don't trust him 100%. I have scary thoughts of him not coming home at all (in which case I would just leave him his tickets and take C and go anyway)....When will I be able to trust him completely again?

Anyway. Nobody reads this (which is ok) since I just link to one other blog, and he doesn't know it's me linking to him....but if anyone stumbles onto me and wants to de-lurk, it is national de-lurk week.


Blogger Mrs Big Dubya said...

I'll delurk :)

Enjoy your vacation -- I have to admit, I'm envious and would love to be going away too!

Safe travels!

12 January, 2006 21:19  
Blogger Sue said...

Yay! I have a lurker!

Ok, I admit, I lurk on your blog too. Mostly at work, where I try not to comment too often (seeing as I should be working and all!)...

20 January, 2006 16:39  

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