Monday, February 27, 2006


So I might have mentioned that C likes to get up early, and has gotten in the habit of asking me to take her to pre-school in the mornings (it's exciting to be out while it's still "good night time"). Yesterday, she woke up early (even though on the weekend I do make a point of telling her we don't have to rush anywhere and can rot in bed a little) and went downstairs. All was quiet for a bit (it's never good when you can't hear them - they're up to something), so I got up and went to see what she was doing. She had packed her lunch to bring today.

Yes, that. Plus two Go-Gurt yogurts (one for her and one, allegedly for her friend L). I didn't say anything, just left it in the fridge (she had packed it in a bag, too). I secretly replaced the Lunchables with some macaroni and cheese and some green beans.

This morning, as we're scrambling to get out the door - she gets her lunch and tells me she doesn't want the mac n cheese or green beans, but what she packed originally.
My child's lunch today will be a lunchable, some yogurt and a Rice Krispie treat.


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