Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another Saturday Night

I have a post in my head about how crazy it's been since Wednesday, but I am so tired of always having negative things to say. It's summer, and if it ever stops raining in Connecticut maybe it can finally feel like summer! (ok, the sun was out this afternoon, but it doesn't make up for the last two weeks of rain).

And, if any old person wants to bitch about how there's a drought later this summer, I may be forced to hurt them. I drive by a resevoir on my way to my dad's house. I checked. That sucker was full. As in, filled to the brim. No drought this summer.

The lawn hasn't been mowed since before Memorial Day. I'm going to need some sort of farm implement to get through it. Although, D is looking into having someone take care of it for us weekly. It might be worth whatever that cost is, just to not have to worry about it. Because with our schedules, it's the weekend or not mowed, baby.

And we're taking 2 vacations this summer! I can't wait! One in July and one in August. Rhode Island and Disney. The Rhode Island vacation is one we take every year (or have pretty much since C was a baby). The Disney vacation happened because D was/is working 80-90 hours a week and we hardly see him (and when we do oftentimes he's getting calls from work).

Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can take advantage of my dad's pool, and get to the beach a few times, and find some other fun things to do. WHy do the 3 months of summer go by so much quicker than the 3 months of winter??? It doesn't seem right.


Blogger cmhl said...

fun!!! we are going to disney this summer too-- I can't wait. we went two years ago as well, but really my youngest was too young. this year they will be 4 & 8, and that is perfect..

10 June, 2006 19:56  
Blogger Farm Girl said...

I so hear you on the weather. I am in the Northeast too and it just bites. Luckily we have gotten a bit more of a break with the rain then you have. Enjoy the vacations, it is always good to get away.

10 June, 2006 21:51  

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