Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Blahs

Rain rain go away!! I have a 4 1/2 year old who is all out of sorts, and I can't blame her. I feel the same way too! I'm tired of the rain, and blogging about it, and reading about it internet and hearing about it on the news. Make it stop!

So with all this rain, can't really do much outside. Although we did buy C a bike on Saturday. Pink (of course!) with a basket and bell and training wheels. She did really well but started going too fast, got scared, tried to put her feet down to stop and ended up taking a tumble. She didn't want to get back on it, but I told her that as a kid she was going to take lots of tumbles and get scrapes and bruises. That's her job. My job is to walk beside her and make sure she doesn't get really hurt. We didn't get a chance to ride yesterday between the rain and a birthday lunch for D's aunt.

We went to the mall Saturday afternoon. C kept telling me she needed to take a break. A break? You're four, you don't need breaks. Except she maybe did, seeing as she fell asleep on the way home and slept for over two hours. And this is a kid that stopped napping at 2! And yes, bedtime on Saturday was fun!

And why is it I can compose brilliant blog posts in my head, but when I sit down to write something it comes out like the mush above?


Blogger Farm Girl said...

I hear you on the posts. I suffer from the same illness. My daughter keeps bothering me to get a bell for her bike. One of these days I'll remember. Go away rain!

26 June, 2006 18:31  

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