Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Class of '86 Rules!!!

I just realized today is the 20th anniversary of my high school graduation. I'm not sad, I didn't have a particularly great (or horrible) high school experience. Not like the girls who peaked in high school. (Looking at you K*****! Wearing the ponytail with the Swatch in it!)

Twenty years ago tonight (it was actually Friday, June 13 back in 1986) I said goodbye to some people I had known for 12 years, and others I had only known for 4 years. I still have my best friend, whom I've known since first grade, lost one friend to cancer the year I got married, and married D, who went to high school with me but we weren't boyfriend/girlfriend. He was more like the geek I let sit with me. I should have realized back then, when he never had lunch money and I was always sharing my Hostess cupcakes with him, it'd be trouble. Other than that, don't keep in touch with anyone else really.

It's funny how life turns out. I was convinced I was going to graduate college, immediately become a vice president of some corporation (didn't matter which corporation, I'm a big picture person, don't bother me with details), marry someone, have 4 boys and live in Fairfield County while husband commuted into the city, spend summers on Nantucket and send the boys to private schools. Yeah. I pretty much wanted the Preppy Handbook life. Didn't get it.

Instead, I married D, have one girl, work in Fairfield County (I guess technically I am a vice president of a corporation - assistant vp anyway) spend summers working and am the main breadwinner of this family (which is pretty funny when you think I graduated college magna cum lucky and just have a bachelors degree). It's not bad, it's just not what I thought I wanted.

I don't know if there will be a reunion, or if I'd even go. Maybe for the 25th.


Blogger Farm Girl said...

I went to my 20th reunion. Not really sure why since I didn't have a lot of friends in school . People got older but for the most part they didn't really change. The snotty chicks were still snotty. Overall it was a good night, dh and I had a nice evening.

14 June, 2006 17:28  
Blogger cmhl said...

I'm class of '86 too!!! we are having a reunion over labor day, but honestly, I don't know if I am going or not.. I keep in touch with the people I want to keep in touch with. and, I don't know that I am up to seeing everyone being so perfect, when I feel like my personal life is in such flux. you know?

14 June, 2006 20:53  
Blogger Sue said...

Les: that's what I'm afraid of - that the people who were full of themselves still are, and the ones that might have become interesting will stay away because of those people.

CMHL: I don't even know if there's a reunion planned for our class or not. Having moved 5 times and changed my name, I'm "lost". Which may not be a bad thing. And I completely understand about feeling less than perfect because of everything else going on. But I tend to think even the "perfect" people aren't as perfect as they would like you to think.

15 June, 2006 07:49  

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